KEYWORDS - Four of Pentacles

Holding on to what you Have. Savings Financial Stability. Warning against Holding on too Tightly and not Sharing. Greed. Unwillingness to Pay it Forward or Help Others can Impede the Flow.

Four of Pentacles

The interpretation of the Four of Pentacles can vary depending on the circumstances. It can either be seen as positive or negative. In a positive light, this card represents financial stability and security. While you may not be wealthy, you have everything you need to sustain yourself and you lack nothing. You have all the resources necessary to meet your needs and feel confident in your achievements. However, it is important to note that the sad cat depicted in the card is unwilling to share their wealth with others. They hold onto their coins tightly, refusing to let anyone else benefit from their abundance. Doesn’t he look sad and lonely? He has abandoned his town and everything in it in favour of money. This is the only pentacles that are worn by the cat. In every other card, they are part of the background. This represents man's materialism. When this card appears, it means you need to shift your attitude about money. This attitude of greed can hinder the flow of money and prevent further financial growth. To maintain a steady flow of prosperity, it is essential to be generous towards others and allow them to contribute to your endeavours.

Four of Pentacles Reversed

Reversed or with challenging cards around the Four of Pentacles can indicate hoarding, holding onto a false sense of security, unwilling to spend money on yourself, others or the things that need investing in. It could indicate a lack of resources but being too proud to ask for help. There is a fine line between stability and being stuck. You can save for a rainy day but money is a living energy that has to flow.

KEYWORDS - Four of Cups

Boredom. Depression. Apathy. Self-Absorbtion. A Time for Contemplation and Re-Evaluation. Listen to your Heart. A Time to Meditate. Wait before Moving On. Feeling Left Out.

Four of Cups

The stability and solidity of the Four card can have a stabilizing effect in other suits. However, when it comes to matters of the heart and emotions ruled by Cups, this can be restrictive and lead to feelings of depression, being stuck or trapped in relationships or life situations. Indecision can paralyze and stifle, causing an indescribable dissatisfaction. The inability to pinpoint the source of this feeling leaves one feeling immobilized. Despite the negative emotions experienced, this stagnant period indicates an impending change. Before progress can be made, confronting personal or external truths is necessary. The image depicts three cups grouped together while the fourth cup's visibility remains uncertain. Often during such times, answers are present but remain unseen due to excessive focus on what is going wrong or feels amiss instead of focusing on the obvious. This phase presents an opportunity for meditation, self-reflection, planning, and self-assessment.

Four of Cups Reversed

Reversed or with challenging cards around the Four of Cups, could indicate that you are starting to feel depressed or that a situation is weighing heavy on you. This can be a time when you can’t see the wood for the trees and it would be helpful to step back or step out of a situation in order to gain some perspective. There is also a caution to be wary of gossip.

KEYWORDS - Four of Wands

Regrouping Doing your Homework. Quietly Working on a Task, Structure, Stability, Work Ethic and Boundaries. Coming Home. Feeling Safe Secure. Family. Friends. Reiunion.

Four of Wands

The entire Wands suit embodies passion, creativity, and the drive to pursue goals with enthusiasm. However, the Four card signifies the importance of structure, perseverance, and the arduous journey required to achieve success. When the Four of Wands appears in a reading, it indicates that the initial excitement of embarking on a new endeavour has faded and now it is time to focus on the hard work necessary to see it through. This card also celebrates the reunion to the stability and balance in one's home and family life. The presence of a grand castle in the background serves as a reminder of our roots and the need for grounding. It reminds us that life cannot always be lived on the edge; instead, this card represents a period of feeling secure and contented in our job, work tasks, or family life. It is a time to find comfort and reassurance knowing that we have achieved something meaningful.

Four of Wands REVERSED

Reversed or with challenging cards around the Four of Wands, you might be feeling stuck or becalmed. You might find it hard to put down roots or that things feel out of balance. Instead of feeling satisfied by the hard work you are putting in you might feel bored, unsatisfied or under appreciated. There could be challenges at home.

KEYWORDS - Four of Swords

Rest, Retreat, Time for Contemplation. Seclusion, Withdrawal. Rejuvenation. Time to Heal or to Hide Away and Meditate. A Time for Stillness and Isolation as you Rest and Regroup.

Four of Swords

Despite its association with withdrawal and solitude, this card remains positive. Depicting a body being laid to rest and a sword symbolizing past battles, it represents a period of silence, reflection, and isolation. It highlights the importance of taking time to calm the mind and allows new thought patterns to develop. Once this phase ends, you will re-enter the world with a fresh perspective. While the Swords suit engages the mind, the Four offers an opportunity for complete mental rest. Although known for intelligence, this card advises spending more time meditating and allowing thoughts to settle. This break will benefit your health, mind, and spirit temporarily and aid in decision-making.

Four of Swords Reversed

Reversed or with challenging cards around the Four of Swords could indicate that the withdrawal this represents wasn’t of your choosing. This could include having to spend time in isolation due to illness, delays or even because of incarceration. If you are being forced to recuperate, are frustrated because of delays or hold ups and this is creating anxiety, this suggests a need to not just surrender but see this for the opportunity that it is.