Cat Folk Tarot - The Aces

The Four Aces Represent Opportunity, Fresh New Start, Positive Emerging Energies

Ace of Pentacles All the Ace cards represent new beginnings, with something coming to life where before it didn’t exist and the Ace of Pentacles represents this in the material, physical or financial realms. It can suggest...
Ace of Cups The Ace of Cups can represent the start of a new love affair or something that triggers a new outpouring of feeling and emotion. Cups relate to the heart and the emotions, so here we have not just the...
Ace of Wands The Ace of Wands is the emergence of something new. A fresh idea, the launch of a new project or the start of a new creative venture. An Ace can be seen as the birth of something new, which can then take...
Ace of Swords All the Aces represent the birth of something brand new and that means that where there was nothing there is suddenly something. All the numbered suits, from the One through to the Ten card, represent...

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Cat Folk Tarot - The Twos

The Four Twos Represent the Result of the Merging of Two Energies, the Yin and the Yang, Deceisions, Every Cause has an Effect = Karma

Two of Pentacles The Two of Pentacles can mean two revenue streams, it can indicate that you are juggling your resources or that if you are going to get what you want you will need to make it happen yourself...
Two of Cups The Two of any suit is a coming together of two situations, people or energies and the Two of Cups can represent the coming together of two people to form a new affair of the heart. A connecting...
Two of Wands The Two of Wands represents the first steps towards making things happen. The Ace of Wands represents the launch of something new and in the Two we find the next steps in that journey. The two...
Two of Swords Because Swords represent the mind, the numbered Swords have a darker nature than the other suits. The Two card in any suit represents the coming together of two things but when this happens...

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Cat Folk Tarot - The Threes

The Four Threes Represent Creativity, Growth, Expansion, Bonding, Development, Manifestation

Three of Pentacles The Threes in all suits represents the alchemy of bringing two things together to make something new and thus, this can represent the pooling of resources in order to purchase or achieve...
Three of Cups In all the suits, the Three card represents a turning point. The Three of Wands, Swords or Pentacles can be a more challenging turning point whereas the Three of Cups is often a card of...
Three of Wands The Three of any suit represents a coming together of two to make one, whether that is two people coming together, two ideas or two different components coming together to make one. An ...
Three of Swords The image in the card above is of three swords having been stabbed straight through the heart and the Three of Swords can represent that kind of pain. This can be a challenging card or...

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Cat Folk Tarot - The Fours

The Four Fours Represent Roots, Stability, Security, Consistancy, Standing on Solid Ground

Four of Pentacles The Four of Pentacles is a card that is neither fully positive or fully negative and can be read either way, depending on your reality. On the one hand, the Four of Pentacles represents a time ...
Four of Cups The Four card is stable, solid and unmoving and in the other suits, this can have a stabilising effect. However, as Cups rule the heart and the emotions, which are always fluid, here this can ...
Four of Wands The whole Wands suit is about enthusiasm, passion, creativity and the entrepreneurial spirit, seeing a goal and going after it with enthusiasm. Yet the Four is about structure, staying put and...
Four of Swords Despite the fact that this is the card of withdrawal and even isolation, this is a positive card. The scene above represents a body laid to rest, with the sword representing the battles waged...

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Cat Folk Tarot - The Fives

The Four Fives Represent Change, the Need to Change whether we are Ready for it or Not. Challenges, Instability, Struggles

Five of Pentacles This is known as the ‘Poverty’ card, not because it implies that you will experience or have experienced poverty and instead is often a poverty mindset. This includes anxiety over money...
Five of Cups The Five of Cups can be the card of heartache but in the arc and range of human feelings and emotions, it is something that we must all experience from time to time. This can indicate a loss...
Five of Wands The Five of Wands can indicate rising tension, a pending crisis that is necessary in order to set the scene for change and to guard against stagnation. Sometimes the struggle, crisis or ...
Five of Swords As with all the numbered cards in the Sword suit, there can be some mental tension but the Five of Swords is often a turning point where we have to accept a situation. This is only reached...

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Cat Folk Tarot - The Sixes

The Four Sixes Represent Harmony, Peace, Zen, the Journey, the Yellow Brick Road, the Garden of Eden, Comfort, Support, the Great Equilibrium

Six of Pentacles The Five and Six of Pentacles are intrinsically linked and where the Five of Pentacles can indicate a time of financial crisis, the Six of Pentacles indicates the breakthrough on the other side. ...
Six of Cups This is the ‘sunshine after a storm’ card or that sense that everything will look better in the morning. After the darkness of the Five of Cups, this is the emergence into the light at the other ...
Six of Wands The Six of Wands represents that situation where we can look back at hard or difficult times and see things from a different perspective. At the time all we could see are the multiple challenges...
Six of Swords Of all the numbered Swords, this card is the most positive and suggests a sense of liberation and forward movement. After the crisis point reached in the Five of Swords, where a situation had to...

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Cat Folk Tarot - the Sevens

The Four Sevens Represent the Curveball Life Throws us The Challenges Obstacles we Overcome to Take Control and Reach our Goal

Seven of Pentacles Where the Five cards are often crisis points that can force change upon us by making something too uncomfortable to continue, the Sevens are also turning points but there is less anxiety...
Seven of Cups The Seven of Cups often indicates that a choice must be made or that we have reached a point where we have to decide what path to take and this can bring us to a time of crisis. This is not a crisis...
Seven of Wands After the triumph of the Six of Wands, it becomes apparent that there are more battles to fight, more uphill climbs and that the road to victory still has more miles to be travelled. You have done ...
Seven of Swords The look on the creature above says it all – ‘It wasn’t me’. This can be the card of deception, suggesting that someone isn’t telling the truth, they are being deceptive or deliberately sneaky...

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Cat Folk Tarot - The Eights

The Four Eights Represent Strength, Committment, Determination, Delays, Overcoming our Limits, Knowing our Limits and Boundaries

Eight of Pentacles The overall message of the Eight of Pentacles is contentment. This is a card that represents pride in what you have accomplished and whether you are being financially compensated for the work ...
Eight of Cups The Eight of Cups can suggest walking away from or giving up on something and for various reasons. It can suggest standing back and letting a situation play out, releasing any investment in the ...
Eight of Wands The Eight of Wands represents movement after overcoming a roadblock or after a period of being becalmed. You have been ready to move and make things happen for some time but you haven’t...
Eight of Swords The Eight of Swords is that moment when the weight of having to deal with a situation, make a decision or manage something that is mentally demanding is too much and it is easier to just ignore...

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Cat Folk Tarot - The Nines

The Four Nines Represent the Last Step of the Journey, The Final Stage of a Situation, Visionary, The Number of Completion

Nine of Pentacles The Nine of Pentacles is a positive card and suggests that the journey to the finishing line or to the end of a quest is just in front of you, with the challenges of the journey so far behind you and smooth...
Nine of Cups This is a successful card in that you can see the final outcome and there is a surge in confidence. In all four suits, the Nine is the penultimate step in the journey, with the end in sight. In the suit of Swords...
Nine of Wands The Nine of Wands represents the stage before completion, the penultimate step in a journey or quest. You can see the end of a quest, journey or project but you are required to dig deep and find the...
Nine of Swords There is no sugar coating these final two cards in the Swords suit, with the Nine and the Ten of Swords both challenging cards but at the same time indicating light at the end of the tunnel. The ...

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Cat Folk Tarot - The Tens

The Four Tens Represent the End of the Journey. The Conclusion, Completion, The Ending of a Cycle and Beginning of a New One.

Ten of Pentacles The Ten cards in all four suits represent the end of a journey and here this is the accomplishment of a goal or something that you have worked for. While the Pentacles suit does ...
Ten of Cups The Ten of Cups is one of the most positive cards in the Tarot deck and definitely of the Minor Arcana. This is the card of ultimate success, the culmination of a journey or the fulfilment of your...
Ten of Wands You might be worn out and you may have given all that you have and then some but you have made it. You have crossed the finishing line. If the Ten of Wands appears in a spread it indicates...
Ten of Swords The Ten of Swords can be a challenging card and often indicates the end of the road. You have given all that you have to give and this time there is nothing left to give. Think of a marathon runner ...

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